Pro photo critiques - Tony Sweet

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"Hard Knocks" Pro photo critiques


Please Contact Susan for payment and upload instructions

Take your photography to the next level

When I first started in photography, I joined a camera club and found the critique sessions to be very softball, therefore, not really helpful. Club president and mentor, Tony Gayhart, started an extracurricular club he called “Hard Knocks.” A small group of us showed up for the “honest truth” about our work. The critiques were totally honest, therefore, very helpful. My critiques on your work will be based on the “Hard Knocks” model: honest and supportive.

“As a repeat workshop attendee, I’ve found Tony’s personal critique sessions to be as invaluable as the workshop itself. Tony creates video critiques so interactive and personal that it’s like being there with him. More importantly, his insights and suggestions allow you to build on what you’ve learned and apply your own vision and creativity to your images. The quality of my work improved at a much faster rate when I followed up a workshop with Tony’s personal critiques. I can’t recommend them enough.”

How it works

Pro-PhotoCritiques are an easy and powerful custom way to keep your head in the photo game.

The attention is completely focused on your work and how to help you to achieve your personal vision.

Fee: 20 images and 90-120 minute zoom critique video for $300

What you get

  • I record a video working on and critiquing each of your images as if they were my own. 
  • The critique will include comments on all aspects of composition, workflow and numerous tips on processing, and anything else that I can suggest to improve the emotional and visual impact of  your  images.
  • Various software and creative techniques will be illustrated. What is being done and why. You can also tell me specific software you would prefer I use, e.g. Lightroom or PS. 

Image delivery and follow-up

  • Image size: RAW; Jpegs - 2000px on the long side; Processed/ unprocessed tiff files - under 100mb. 
  • Please send via dropbox, WeTransfer, or any other method that you prefer.
  • You will receive via Dropbox a 90 min to 120 min video critique created on Zoom
  • If anything is unclear, support is readily available via email:

Contact Susan to get started or for more information.


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