©Björn Tyreus
Tony Sweet
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©Björn Tyreus
Supercharge your creativity!
Private field session - Fee, $800/day plus expenses
We are offering Private Workshops in addition to our customary 4-5 day Visual Artistry Workshops. COVID protocol: We are fully vaccinated, but will also mask up upon request. We require vaccinated clients.
Our new Private Field Sessions are the ultimate in field and virtual classroom instruction. This was devised for those who are prefer one on one instruction or don’t have the time for a full 5 day workshop. With a one on one experience, we are free to go in any direction that interests you at any time. Although, there are many benefits to a group dynamic, one on one sessions can concentrate substantial learning in a compressed period of time.
Private workshop Perks
All of my attention is on you with no distractions. I will be your scout, field instructor, and virtual class instructor.
In my experience, I’ve always made the greatest gains when working with a mentor or teacher 1 on 1, be it as a musician, magician, or photographer. The accelerated learning was always great, and got me a little ahead of the crowd.
Instant feedback from my photography mentor was very helpful, as I was able to go out the next day and immediately correct mistakes made, and get more feedback. It was that total immersion that got me from a beginner to a professional in 3 years.
Private/ specific live consultations via Zoom - $85/hr
Infrared, processing (Color/ BW/ Infrared), specific projects or issues, etc. Mentoring. An initial short zoom meeting is needed to discuss what is to be covered based on your specific needs.
Private workshop location
We will meet at an agreed upon location: Where we live in MD, an area of your chosing, or, we will be tacking on days at the beginning and end of our larger Visual Artistry workshops for private workshop clients. The Smokies, Charleston, and Acadia are examples. All locales are HERE.
Private instruction workshops will be tailored to meet your specific goals. Contact Susan for more info.
Private workshops can extend to a small group of friends and at a location of your choosing. Pls Email Susan as what you have in mind: Number of people, location, dates, price.
For those who want professional feedback on their work, check out ProCritiques.