Discounts - Tony Sweet Photography

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Mindshift Gear & ThinkTank Photo
Kolari Vision Infrared Conversions
Lensbaby: Contact me for discount code

S O F T W A R E 

Exposure Software (previously known as AlienSkin): Use discount code tonysweet for a 10% discount

TopazLabs: Topaz Studio and plugins – 10% discount

On1 Software: Use discount code tonysweet10 for a 10% discount

Photomatix HDR software: Use discount code TonySweet for a 15% discount  

Radiant Photo -  Disc code - sweet for a 10% discount

Flypaper Textures -  Disc. code - sweet15 for 15% discount

Belle Fleur Textures: Use discount code SWEET10 for a 15% discount   

Luminar Neo - Disc code - sweet10 for a 10% discount
(The spec removal tool and the Remove power lines tool (no joke) are amazing)

Radiant Photo -  Disc code - sweet for a 10% discount
An outstanding AI based program. Trial available

M O R E …

Photomatix HDR software: Use discount code TonySweet for a 15% discount

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